Yup, that's right - our ten man achievement run finally did it! After weeks and weeks of figuring out how to coordinate the heals on infest, work out the timing on horrors, burn down raging spirits, move out of defile, heal through/mitigate Soul Reaper, snare Val'kyrs, avoid/take (depending) vile spirits, and rock out in the LK's Frostmourne, we FINALLY did it. 10 man, no buff, clean kill. Not only that, but it was the first attempt of the entire night. We totally rocked it. =)

Onto heroic mode!
7 remarks:
Grats on the kill!
Grats! My guild is dedicating all of next week to the LK.
Congrats, Av!!
Wait a minute! You forgot the part about only dedicating one raid a week to the LK! ^.^
What anon said... not bad for a 10man only running 3 hours a week. (:
nice one! big grtz :)
lets hope i can say the same anytime soon hehe
Grats :) I'm eagerly awaiting when I could get to that point, even if it's after Cata comes out and I'm 85, I still want to kill him, lol.
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