So, probably some of you know this, but our guild didn't until today when one of our awesomesauce hunters, Theine, pointed it out.
Tar: Used to slow enemies. Aka, people who are not your friends. Flame Leviathan is obviously not my friend. AHEM: FL did not hold my hand when I was frightened. He did not dedicate a song to me. He did not help me move a sofa. He did not sing me the happy birthday song on my voicemail. He did not pick me up at the airport. He did not e-mail my dad and tell him how great I am. He did not subscribe to my feed. He did not say he really wanted to meet me. He did not bookmark my website, and he did not pour me a cup of coffee. He also did not fold my laundry.
Flame Leviathan is not my friend.
Therefore, I'd say he's an enemy, right?! So tar should work on him, right?!
Flame Leviathan is immune to the slowing effects of tar.
Choppers can do two things:
1. Put tar down for the slowing effect called Pool of Tar.
2. Have the tar be ignited by fire for a damage effect called Burning Tar.
Behold, Burning Tar:
And now, Pool of Tar (what's supposed to slow him down):

Did you guys know about this? I'm guessing that most didn't?
We sure didn't.
Edit: Started a thread on the bug forums here. It's extremely unlikely that a blue will respond or anything like that, but I'd figure I'd post it here for people to follow regardless.
17 remarks:
I think that WutCat is going to be your signature "WTF?!" image for blog posts.
I've yet to see Ulduar...gonna bring my loaded dice if the bosses cheat though!
LOL... I didn't know he was immune either. I'd made effort to learn how best to put the tar patches to slow him and allow people more time to escape.
Maybe he is slowed, but there is some other effect in the log that he is immune to...??
Though I dunno, most bosses are immune to slows/stuns/etc :(
WUT?! /giggle
I'm boggled again... All our logs are saying the same thing.
What??? I guess does it slow the adds for when we have turrets up??? I can't find evidence that it actually slowed any adds on trash though...
Sorry, you kind of lost me (no offense intended!).
Is it a "wut cat" surprise that he IS immune? As in, you expected he wasn't and the shock was he is in fact?
If so, I don't get the cheat part?
Or was the OH-WOW that the flaming tar does damage to him?
In any case, I don't understand what the cheat is?
Sorry! I might just be dense tonight... =P
I think I get it.
"Flame Leviathan cheats". in "Flame Leviathan participates in the act of cheating us players 'cause he's a stinkin' jerk".
...NOT "Here are cheats for the Flame Leviathan encounter".
wow, totally misread that I think. >_<
*wutcat starez at teh wutkin"
@Doom: LOL - yes - cheat as a verb.
i.e, Flame Leviathan is cheating the system!
You really should either post in the raid forums and/or bug report forums about this...
This post made me spit my water all over my keyboard and monitor... LOL
Can't stop laughing because I finally understand why our raid leader doesn't stop yelling "LIGHT UP THAT DAMN TAR"... Now I see why and no lies I already seen like 5 different ways to kill this guy, all very effective... Perhaps putting them all together makes hard mode, easy mode?
But I don't think he is actually cheating or bugged... He's a boss and Immune to slow...
Duh!! :D
Very very funny post!
Tar does the second highest damage during his overload phase, the only other damage that is higher is stacks of pyrite launched from demolishers.
So, I couldn't see much last night trash over all the smoke, but if FL is immune to the slowing effect of tar, what enemies are we talking about? The trash mobs?
Oh... and pretend that comment made grammatical sense..
Wutcat! :D
Looking at the forum thread, that has surely got to be a bug - slow effect doesn't work on either the trash or the boss?
Why... why even have the slowing effect listed then? Silly spell is silly.
The pool of tar is used for adds when keeping the towers up and when attempting to earn the achievements.
The pool of tar will slow the adds and allow them to be set aflame and slow them enough to be kited by the bikes to another burning pile of tar.
If you are doing the achievements, you can use NON-LIT pools to slow the dwarfs enough to gather the required amount to nuke at once.
Pool of Tar has no effect on FL I'm afraid. There is only one way to slow him and that is to cause an overload, thereby resetting the stacks of Gathering Speed.
This is as intended.
@Notabear: Oooh, gotcha! Where did you see that? I mean the part where it's intended?
I'm not sure it is listed anywhere, however, Gathering Speed is basically a soft enrage. The only way to stop it is to launch players and destroy the turrets, forcing an overload, at which time the Gathering Speed debuff is reset. When you do this, having the bikes stack their tar under the tank and lighting it will do massive amounts of damage, as well as the rolling pyrite stacks.
That being said, you also, can kind of cheat. Obviously, demo's are only good if they're stacking pyrite, but if you are doing hard mode, you'll need to launch players, but you'll also need to keep refreshing your pyrite stacks every 10 seconds. That gives you 50 seconds after you launch your passenger to pick him back up so you can refill your pyrite, right? Wrong.
Before launching, have your passenger shoot down as much pyrite as possible and stack your demo full after you reset your stack, thus giving you 50 seconds of refreshes. Once your passenger is launched, refresh your stack as normal, jump OUT of your demo, jump into the passenger seat, restock your pyrite, jump back out again and reenter the driver seat, refresh your stack.
This will give you plenty of pyrite to hurl when he overloads and by the time your passenger returns, you should still have enough to refresh your stacks at least one more time.
Just keep your awareness when you do it on hard mode. The adds can really ruin your day.
just started reading this blog. I thought it was going to be technical resto druid blog, but it's fun and awesome
"FL did not hold my hand when I was frightened. He did not dedicate a song to me. He did not help me move a sofa." <== i love this
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